this is niamh Ashling

Niamh Walsh-Vorster is an Independent photographer and writer, based in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. She graduated in 2014 with a BJourn from University currently known as Rhodes in Makhanda, South Africa.

More about Niamh

Better than any visual

Majoring in Journalism & Media Studies with Photojournalism as her specialisation. Her second major was Anthropology which was completed in 2013. She is the co-founder of the award winning e-zine, Ja. Magazine, and exhibited photographic work at The KZNSA Gallery, Cape Town Central Methodist Church, The African Art Centre, and in various public spaces. She has worked at Independent Newspapers in Durban and holds a 2016 BASA Arts Journalism Award for her review in Ja. She was part of the third Incubator Programme at The Market Photo Workshop, 2017 – 2018 in Johannesburg.

Niamh has published written and photographic work in the Mail & Guardian, The Journalist, PLATFORM, ITCH, Between 10and5, The Different, Chips!, Creative Feel, YOCO, and Ignant She is interested in deconstructing the white gaze in photography, and exploring contemporary racial dynamics in South Africa.
